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Showing posts from December, 2017
Why Smoke Cannabis? There are a variety of reasons that people take drugs and we certainly don't have all the answers. However, there are some classic psychological reasons that people start and continue to smoke weed that we can explore. Psychological reasons The psychological reasons for taking drugs can be similar to the reasons that people make purchases, visit certain websites or choose an impulsive or momentary course of action at any particular time. While dopamine transmitters make up only 1% of the brain they "are wired" in the most important parts. Dopamine is commonly associated with the "reward system", providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a person to perform certain activities. Dopamine is released and rewards experiences such as food, sex, and drugs. The function of dopamine transmitters isn't fully understood but it could explain a variety of "urges" in human behavior. We will naturall